Membership Benefits
Membership is open to all
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered people and supportive
friends. The annual dues are $25.00 per person.
Each member receives:
- Community Ties, a monthly newsletter
mailed or emailed to members only,
- Web site http://www.gcaonline.org,
- Email listserv group for event
and information posting,
- Discounted admission/cost for
selected events,
- Input to planning meetings held
the first Monday of even months,
- Free appetizers at Dining Out
Club events where one member will win a free dinner,
- Stipend for hosting potluck dinners.
By Laws

Membership - Special
Event Samples
in the monthly newsletter, Community Ties)
House parties, pool parties and
potluck dinners
Brunches at local restaurants
and B&Bs
Annual pre-Thanksgiving buffet
Holiday parties
Cultural, theatrical and movie
Annual trip to Cedar Key with
free hors d’oeuvres
Sponsorship of a “Hope
for the Holidays” family
Contributions to local charitable
Other events our members suggest
